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Legal Notice



Dürrschmidt GmbH

Biberberger Straße 25a 
89284 Pfaffenhofen 


Telephone: 07302/9191-52
Telefax: 07302/9191-54



Court of Registration: Memmingen District Court HRB 6284
Managing director: Peter Dürrschmidt

Turnover Tax identification number according to § 27 a Turnover Tax Act: DE 130 845 272


Responsible for content according to § 18 section 2 MStV and responsible in media law: Peter Dürrschmidt (address on top)



All texts, pictures, logos and other works published on this website are covered – unless indicated otherwise - by the copyright of  Dürrschmidt GmbH and their partners. Any duplication, distribution, storage, transmission, or passing on of the contents without our written consent is expressly prohibited.



Dürrschmidt GmbH prepares the contents of these web pages with great care and ensures that they are updated regularly. However, the details contained in them are intended only as non-binding general information and do not replace in-depth individual advice.


Dürrschmidt GmbH does not guarantee that the information on these pages is up to date, accurate or complete, or that trouble-free access can be obtained at all times. Where we refer to the web pages of third parties (links), we accept no responsibility for the contents of the linked pages. By clicking on the link, you leave the information offered by Dürrschmidt GmbH. Different rules may therefore apply to the offers of third parties, in particular in respect of data protection. We also exclude liability for minor negligent breaches of obligation in service performance, in particular regarding the download of files made available on the web pages of Dürrschmidt GmbH.


Data Protection

All personal data collected on the website of Dürrschmidt GmbH will be stored and processed exclusively for your individual benefit, the sending of product information, or the submission of service offers. Dürrschmidt GmbH guarantees that your data will be treated as confidential in accordance with the current laws for data protection.


Layout and realization Internetlösungen (


Dürrschmidt GmbH
Biberberger Straße 25 a
89284 Pfaffenhofen
phone: 0 73 02 / 91 91-52
fax: 0 73 02 / 91 91-54